Corporate Associate Members— rights and benefits
• Corporate Associate Members (CAMs) are international or national research organizations and commercial companies
• CAMs can make nominations and hold positions in IUPAP (Executive committee, Commissions, Working Groups)
• IUPAP will connect CAMs with IUPAP Territorial Members who represent key stakeholders, industry insiders, and decision makers to create partnerships to address societal grand challenges and other topics of interest to the CAMs
• CAMs will benefit from reduced participation fees at IUPAP conferences
• CAMs will be able to submit proposals to other CAMs to collaborate on R&D projects
• CAMs can sponsor prizes, awards, or focused initiatives in their field of interest, which will be publicized to all IUPAP members
• The IUPAP web site will link to the CAM’s website for visibility of the CAM to all IUPAP members and IUPAP will also generate a careers web site where CAMs can post physics employment opportunities as well as career development guidance
• Among short-term opportunities for an organization/company, are participation with a joint event in the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development
(IYBSSD 2022) or in the IUPAP Centenary celebrations both in 2022–2023, with specific outreach during the opening and closing ceremonies.